ideas.txt --------- Why aren't DVDs enclosed like floppy discs? It would make handling them easier, would keep them cleaner and more protected, and DVD players wouldn't need a fragile moving tray, just a slot. -- Spree killers ought to be called parallel killers, as opposed to serial killers. -- Hamburgun: gun that shoots hamburgers -- launderette that also has showers. And if you want, you can get a disposable paper gown and slippers to wear while your clothes get washed. Could be good for homeless people who have only the one set of clothes and thus have no easy to way to get them washed. -- Crisps idea: like Pom-Bear but shaped like ghosts, called Wispy Crispy. -- yellow betta fish and called them butta fish -- Quiz idea: Can you match the photos of people with their fursonas? -- T-shirt company idea: gaming-related tee company called Mana-Tees. Logo is a cute cartoon manatee holding a glass flask of blue liquid (a mana potion). -- Is there something like botox but for your bum and if so is it called butox because it clearly ought to be -- Instead of having a Quiet Carriage on trains, all carriages should be quiet by default and the noisy fuckers can go sit in the Blabber-Jabber Carriage. -- Sudden thought: you can send vampires through the post. 1. Expose vampire to sunshine 2. Vampire turns to dust 3. Sweep up dust and put in envelope 4. Recipient tips out vampire dust onto the floor and applies a drop of blood to resurrect the vampire You have to trust the recipient and it takes a few days, but vampires save hundreds of pounds on international travel this way. -- let zoo visitors feed tigers, wolves etc by charging them to have a go on a t-shirt gun that fires chicken carcasses or something into the enclosure. -- How to Train Your Dragon franchise but with giant moths instead of dragons. -- Pingu MMO. You’d make a cool penguin (or maybe a seal like Robbie) and just run/roll/squash/stretch around going NOOT NOOT and throwing snowballs at other players. It would be a bit like The Endless Forest but with an elastic penguin instead of a freaky human-faced deer. -- hot cross buns with rings instead of crosses, then we can play Noughts & Crosses with delicious results. -- Imagine if an MC/singer at a concert said 'make some noise!!' and instead of cheering everybody guffed -- If you have a small pet, get a dolls' house to put in their enclosure and snap some pics of what looks like a normal house occupied by giant roaches/tarantula/hamsters/kitten. -- Fun prank: release 3 pigs in school labelled 1, 2, and 5000. Watch chaos ensue as everyone tries to find the missing 4997 pigs. -- stealth ops themed Christmas tree farm. You go in and attempt to cut down and take away a tree without being detected by the staff. If you do, it's free. Otherwise you have to pay for the tree. Technically normal Christmas tree farms work this way, but with this they wouldn't call the cops if they caught you. It's just for fun. -- Make a tiny super sculpey banana and take 'banana for scale' pics with it so the other items in the photo appear to be giant. -- App that plays a faint Judas Priest song whenever you take a phone call so the caller thinks they interrupted you at a Judas Priest concert -- Go to a fancy dress party with your bum painted yellow and your rectum packed full of Skittles. When someone asks what you are, drop trou, fart out the Skittles and say 'Pacman vomiting'. -- PREVENT PEOPLE from stealing your bourbons by separating the biscuits, scraping out the icing and replacing it with poo. -- SAVE MONEY on caterpillar cakes for children's birthdays by buying them a plain roulade and telling them it pupated. -- A NAKED MOLE RAT can be used as an emergency penis. (If your skin isn't pink, you might wish to colour the mole rat in with a pen.) -- a meat clown who makes 'balloon' animals out of sausage links -- Why don't cinemas sell film merchandise in the foyer? You can buy merch when you go to concerts and musicals. Maybe if cinemas did that they could drop the price on the popcorn. -- Return to the Moon with VR-recording cameras. Send the data back back to Earth and we can go on little walks on the Moon in VR. I guess you'd need to play on a trampoline to get the low grav jumping, though. -- Stop people stealing your ice cream by labelling the vanilla 'wee', the chocolate 'poo' and the strawberry 'period'. -- Business idea: big room lined with mirrors. Entry £7. Aimed at people who pay that much to go to cinema then just talk over the entire film. -- Has anyone made a circular album in which the outro of the last track segues into the intro of the first track? -- Idea: get a cat and name it 'My Husband', so anything you say about the cat sounds dead funny. Urgh, My Husband wiped his bum on the rug. My Husband likes it when I I pick him up and throw him at the curtains. My Husband likes sitting in boxes and eating moths. --